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Amiga 500
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Apple //c Plus
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Apple ][+ (x4)
Apple ///
Atari 400 (x7)
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Atari 1200 XL (x3)
Atari 130XE
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Atari Portfolio
Atari 1040STf (x3)
Atari 1040STfm
AT&T 6300
AT&T 6300+
BeBox Dual CPU
Coleco Adam (x4)
Commodore C64 (x6)
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Commodore C128D
Commodore PET 2001
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Commodore SuperPET
Commodore SX-64
Commodore VIC-20 (x2)
Compaq Armada 1120
Compaq Portable
Compaq Portable III
Compucolor II
DEC MicroVAX II (x3)
DECmate I (x2)
DecMate III
DEC Rainbow 100 (x2)
Dell GX1
Dell GXi (x2)
DG AViiON 4625
THiiN Line Site Stak 500
emachines T1742
Exidy Sorcerer (x4)
Fortune 32:16 (x2)
Franklin Ace 1200
Gateway 486DX2-66V
Gateway DX4200-UB101A
Homebrew 486
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Homebrew Pentium
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Honeywell Bull SP-V20
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HP 86
HP 9816
IBM 3270 PC
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IBM PCjr (x3)
IBM ThinkPad i1452
Kaypro 4
Kaypro II (x3)
Laser 128
Laser 128EX
Laser 50
Mac 512K (Fat Mac) (x2)
MacBook Pro "Core Duo" 2.0 15"
Macintosh Classic (x2)
iMac (i3 based)
Mac IIsi
Macintosh LC
Macintosh Plus
Mac PowerPC 9600/300
Mac PowerPC G3 (x2)
Mac PowerPC G4 (Dual Processor)
Macintosh Quadra 610DOS
Macintosh Quadra 700
Mattel Aquarius (x3)
Mindset PC (x2)
Misc 486 PC
MTU-130 (x3)
NEC PC-6001A
Explorer Computer
NeXTstation TurboColor
North Star Horizon
Osborne 1
OSI Challenger 1P
OSI Challenger 2P
PCI PC Clone
Poly 88
Power Macintosh G5 2.0 DP (x5)
RCA Cosmac Vip (x7)
Sharp PC-4501
Sol Terminal Computer
Sony P2 Vaio
Sperry 5000/50
SWTPC 6800 (x3)
Tandy 1200 (x2)
TRS-80 Color Computer (x2)
TRS-80 Color Computer 2 (x4)
TRS-80 Color Computer 3 (x4)
TRS-80 MC-10 Micro Color Computer (x2)
TRS-80 Model 1 (x2)
TRS-80 Model 100
TRS-80 Model 16B
TRS-80 Model 3 (x3)
TRS-80 Model 4
TRS-80 Model 4P (x2)
TI-99/4A (x9)
Timex Sinclair 1000 (x3)
Timex Sinclair 1500
Timex Sinclair 2068
Winbook XP
XOR S-100 -12 System
Zenith Z-110
Zenith Z-120

Apple ///

Updated 2000-06-30
Company/Released :Apple Computer
CPU :6502B (8 Bit)
Operating System :SOS
RAM :256 Kbytes
Storage :1 Internal 5.25" 143k Floppy Drive
1 External 5.25" 143k Floppy Drive
1 External 5 Meg Profile Harddisk
Display :Apple Monitor /// (Green Screen)
Misc Peripherals :Parallel Printer Interface
SoftCard ///
History :11/02/96 : Acquired for $50.00
11/23/96 : Added a Monitor /// for $12.00
03/15/97 : Added a 5 Meg Profile HD, several manuals and software.
09/09/98 : Acquired SoftCard /// new in box for $25.00.


This was the first product to come out of Apple Computer as a company and it was plagued by defects from the start. Although Apple took the unheard of step of repairing all of the defective computers at no charge, this system was never as popular as it could have been and it became their first flop (the Lisa was their second). I was attracted to the machine because of its enhanced capabilities over the Apple II and its operating system, S.O.S. (Sophisticated Operating System) which evolved into ProDOS on the Apple II systems. If you are a SARASAUR or anyone with an interesting story about the Apple ///, why not pass it along. I'm in need of documentation, manuals, software and peripherals for this system so if you have any or can copy some doc for me please drop me a note. Check out my Apple Library.

Related Links

Apple /// on Wikipedia
Apple /// Ftp Site - Believed down
Apple ///
Washington Apple Pi Apple /// Resources

Site Copyright © 1997 - 2025 David Williams