This is the version of the IBM PC with the cassette port on the
back but I don't know anyone who ever actually used cassettes on one. It came
with dual floppy drives, CGA graphics adapter and a parallel port.
If you have anything for one, doc, software, etc. to part with,
drop me a line.
I now have CP/M-86
booting on the PC. It wasn't easy, I had to first download the distribution
images from the Unofficial CP/M Web Site.
Then I need to create the disks on a system with a harddrive and a 360K 5.25" floppy drive
so I had to take the drives from my AT&T 6300 and
connect them to my homebrew 486 to obtain disks to
boot CP/M-86. A bit of a pain but an educational
experience none the less.
I've added the Apple // emulator board, TrackStar, to the system along with a
spare Apple // drive. So now my PC can run Apple // software was well. |